Info: We move reliably
INFOGATE is the service portal of the EUROGATE Group: a place for shipping companies and forwarders. Here you can find sailing lists and container information.
Arrival and departure times: Here you can find the sailing lists. Find out when the ships arrive and depart from the terminal with just one click.
Do you need information about your containers? Enter the container number in the corresponding field and see all the information about your container. We provide you with all available data and details about your container at a glance.
EUROGATE GmbH & Co. KGaA, KG, Bremen together with our trusted partner CONROO GmbH are pleased to announce the launch of a digital trucker card Gate Pass. Gate Pass replaces traditional plastic cards with a digital card accessible on common mobile devices. This innovative solution streamlines the entire trucking process, from registration and verification to route planning and on-site navigation.
Here are a few key facts about the forthcoming launch.
Who is CONROO?
• CONROO is digitally connecting terminals, depots, and warehouses with truck drivers and trucking companies since 2021, and is currently present across over 30 sites throughout the DACH region.
• CONROO has been in operation in Hamburg at REMAIN-Depot and the Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Straße (DUSS) Terminal in Billwerder since February 2024. Other terminals such as EUROGATE Bremerhaven and EUROGATE Wilhelmshaven will follow shortly.
What are the benefits of Gate Pass?
• Streamlined trucker visits, potentially reducing each tour’s duration by 15-20 minutes.
• Advanced port security due to a fully digital trucker identity verification process and bounding Gate Pass to mobile devices.
• CO2 savings as a result of significantly fewer stops and starts.
When and where is the app going live?
• The app will be launched on March 20th, 2024, initially only at the EUROGATE terminal in Hamburg.
• Starting May 2nd, 2024, the app will be mandatory for all trucker visits, fully replacing traditional methods such as trucker cards and other apps.
• Further process improvement and enhanced digital capabilities, as well as the extension of the solution to our other terminals are planned in a later stage, and details will be provided in due course.
How much does Gate Pass cost?
• CONROO mobile app: free of charge
• CONROO Gate Pass:
o One-time setup fee of 25€, and
o Annual subscription fee of 49,90€
• An early-bird discount of 5% is offered to users until April 14th and accessible with the discount code “CONROO5”.
What else is important to know?
• The app can be downloaded in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
• An APK can also be requested via support@conroo.com.
• We follow the “One trucker, one phone, one Gate Pass” policy, which means that Gate Pass is only working on the phone the trucker registered with initially and cannot be transferred to another device.
• The INFOGATE app will be replaced by the CONROO app and cannot be used in combination with the Gate Pass.
For any inquiries or assistance, please visit https://support.conroo.com/.
All deliveries and removals of full and empty containers by truck must be pre-announced electronically via TR02. be pre-notified.
At the multilingual self-handling consoles in the anteroom of the Interchange, handling is possible with a valid trucker card until 1 May 2024. From 2 May 2024, the Conroo GATE PASS must also be used at the self-check-in consoles.
In the case of deliveries, the driver will receive instructions on how to proceed to the central gate.
For deliveries, the trucker also receives a routing slip with which he must report to the truck.
Possible handling scenarios:
- Deliveries of normal goods and empty containers with route plan number (TR02)
- Deliveries of normal goods with tour plan number (TR02) also empty containers and T1-NCTS
Oversized, reefer, dangerous goods and veterinary containers are delivered after electronic pre-announcement (TR02) via the EUROGATE employees at the Service Desk. For deliveries, the driver receives his routing slip here. T1- Deliveries can only be processed via the Service Desk. The T1 papers are handed over to the Service Deskemployee, as he forwards the papers to customs. After registration, the trucker stands with container in the customs parking lot for the seal check. Only after the inspection has been completed, the container container to the truck and receipt of the Interchange Receipt at the central gate, can he close the T1 in the customs office can be closed.
The digital trucker card / Conroo Gate Pass will be required for authentication from 2 May 2024.
Customs office above the service desk for T1-NCTS inbound and outbound deliveries. Opening hours like EUROGATE
Creation of trucker cards and activation for cards from other terminals.
Checking the containers. Defects must be reported immediately by the trucker. Handing over of the EIR (Equipment Interchange Receipt).
The driver reverses into a free lane and checks out via the check-in console.
Inbound and outbound deliveries of general cargo
Ship chandlers, surveyors, authorities etc. register here for their visit.
Rail terminal – access only via Antwerpenstrasse and Köhlfleetdamm
Container inspection facility for X-raying containers on the basis of official orders
Empty container depot on Dradenaustrasse – access via the Finkenwerder junction. Different opening hours.
Via the A27, exit 6 “Bremerhaven/Überseehäfen, Senator-Borttscheller-Straße 8a, 27568 Bremerhaven
Video gate – OCR-InGate
This two-lane video gate records pressure and containers, and compares the data data with the route plan. All container trucks for inbound and outbound deliveries for customs and empty containers, including empty chassis, pass through the video gate Deliveries of OOG/Flattacks/Opentop with excess dimensions and a height of over 4.3 m and/or width may not drive through the video gate but must drive around it in the far right lane.
All inbound and outbound deliveries for full and empty containers must be pre-booked via pre-booked via TruckGate. This results in the following advantages for handling:
- Simple handling directly from the truck without getting out of the truck
- No waiting times at the service desk
- Direct access to the in-gate lanes after at the pressure console
Land-to-land traffic cannot be pre-booked in advance and are only possible at the service desk
Consoles for self-handling are located in the blue handling container in front of the building. Self-handling is possible at these consoles with virtually no waiting time. The pre-booked route plans for full and empty containers can be handled at these consoles be handled at these consoles. Exceptions: ADR deliveries and route plans with OOG Here it is also possible to book a route plan and a slot on site if necessary book a slot
The dispatch of route plans with ADR deliveries and route plans with OOG, is only possible at the Service Desk. The handling of curtainside trucks for the Container Freight Station (CFS) is also carried out
The creation of trucker cards and the activation of cards for otherterminals is carried out at the Service Desk by EUROGATE employees. The corresponding fees must be paid in cash on site. No card payment
This is where the ISPS border of the high-security area terminal begins. At the central gate, containers are checked by EUROGATE staff. Thedriver logs on to the console with his trucker card, confirms that the engine the engine is switched off and presses the security button on the console until a EUROGATE employee has completed the check process. Driving into the terminal is only permitted with a valid trucker card and a valid procedure in compliance with the safety regulations. For the delivery of dangerous goods containers, a check of the truck equipment is carried out here in advance truck equipment in accordance with ADR.
After entering the gate, the driver drives to the chassis location specified on the routing ticket. chassis space specified on the routing ticket, reverses into a free lane and unlocks the twistlocks of the container(s). twistlocks of the container(s). He then logs on to the console with his trucker card and stands in the marked safety circle so that a van carrier can remove the container(s). carrier can pick up or place the container(s). Following the driver locks the twistlocks and leads to the gate exit. It is not permitted to open the containers in the chassis spaces.
This is where the final check of the truck handling including the dangerous goods labels by EUROGATE employees. You will receive your receipt for the containers that you have delivered and/or collected. The driver logs in with the console with his trucker card, confirms that the engine has been turned off, the twistlocks locking of the twistlocks and presses the security button on the console until a EUROGATE employee has completed the check process. The driver is shown a image of the container roof is displayed so that a corresponding roof check is possible at the same time. Opening containers in the gate lanes is not permitted.
At the check platform there is the possibility to remove objects from the roof of the container from the roof of the container. The opening of empty containers is possible here The opening of customs containers is also not permitted here
- Inbound and outbound deliveries of general cargo.
- Loading/unpacking,
- Through-loading of containers with goods of all kinds
Visitors, authorities, etc. register here before entering the terminal site.
If you have any questions about truck handling, please do not hesitate to contact us
Senator-Borttscheller-Straße 1
27568 Bremerhaven
Phone: +49 471 1425 – 4624
Fax: +49 471 1425 4881
E-mail ctb.cta@eurogate.eu
Handling times
Mon. 06.00 a.m. continuous 24-hour operation until Sat. 14.00 p.m.